28 May 2009
What Took Me So Long ?
25 May 2009
Fake It and A New Acquisition
22 May 2009
Happy Memorial Day

19 May 2009
What To Do ?
18 May 2009
To Beautiful For Words
17 May 2009
Whew It's Hot !
15 May 2009
Home For Roses
13 May 2009
A Broach Is A Broach
10 May 2009
National BBQ Month
Go down to the bottom of my blog to turn off the regular music.
Did you know May, is National BBQ month, me neither. But it is and it's time to get those BBQ cookers out of the shed and start stocking up on things to burn.......
Seriously, I think BBQ makes everything taste better. I've been using mine for the last few days, and you can't beat the taste. Put some wood chips in there and you get a better taste. You can't duplicate the taste in the oven or on top of the stove.
I love the sides with BBQ, like potato salad, pastas, grilled vege's etc.......
So, get those babies out of the cobwebs and heat up those grills, it's BBQ time !!!!!!
08 May 2009
06 May 2009
Mother's Day's Past
Change Of Taste And Style
04 May 2009
I Love A Good Find
01 May 2009
Why We Love Blogging
Joy, at Cupids Charm is having a Blog Party about Blogging. Sharing why we love it. She has been featured in Artful Blogging, and is very excited to hear from everyone why they love it.
So stop over and leave a comment.
I have over 300 post now and never thought I'd even do that. I have met some wonderful women that have similar likes. And have met some of you in person, which was really great.
I have had my day's were I didn't like it, because I see you stop by, but don't leave a comment, and I am working on that, so it doesn't bother me so much.
But in the end I don't think a day goes by that I don't spend time looking at the blogs I love.