17 March 2009

Giveaway !!!!!

I am having a giveaway, so spread it around. This Pretty Mirror and  Lavender Water spray. 

Giveaway will end on Wednesday, March 25th at midnight and will be chosen with a random counter. 

Anonymous entries must have their email address on their comment to enter. 

This is for no reason except it's been awhile since my last one, and it's getting close to my 300th post. 

Second best news is that the case was dismissed, and we all got to go home. NO JURY DUTY !!

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Cindy said...

That is my type of giveaway! I love both of those things!

I love jury duty! I've only been called once and I got picked. I found it so interesting!

Decor To Adore said...

I love lavender and that mirror is gorgeous!

Joanne Kennedy said...

Oh I hope I win! I need a mirror and I love lavender water!

I was on a jury once for 5 months. It was a multi murder case. The guy was found guilty of 5 murders and he was charged with many more but not in the county I lived in. He got the death penalty. This was way back 20 years ago. He is still in prison today.

I never got called for jury duty again after that. I don't know how I got off the list of names...now watch, since I said that I'll get a notice this week saying I have to go report in. LOL


Kim said...

Great news about the jury duty! I did it recently and got dismissed. I LOVE that mirror! I so hope I win!LOL!!! Happy Green!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Yippeee.. you can go home..! hehehehe and what a lovely thought to have a giveaway and do enter my name! would love to win..

have a nice day


Hi Glenda,
I wouldn't want to be on jury duty either...glad you weren't picked.

I wish I could be cleaning up the yard, still too wet.

Nice table and chairs, but maybe another time.

Fun new treasures.

Thanks for having a sweet little give away!! I'm hoping I win!!
Have a good week.
Deb :)

Anonymous said...

I just had to add this just for fun: All entrants must be at least 18 years old and legal residents of the universe, living or working in the terrestrial blogging area. A winner will be disqualified if he/she or a member of his/her household has won a blogger contest with a value over $50.00 within the previous 60 days. Bloggers (including their immediate families and members of the same household) of Greater Blogging community, its affiliates, said bloggers, promotional sponsors, advertising and promotional agencies who do business with bloggers, and other bloggers in the universe (as defined by God) are not eligible to participate in any contest presented by said blogger. The term “immediate family” includes spouses, siblings, parents and legal guardians, children and legal wards, grandparents, and or family pets, grandchildren, including “in-laws and chimpanzees wearing diapers. ”One entry per person; multiple entries will disqualify the entrant. No purchase or other consideration is necessary to participate in this contest. Void where prohibited. Did I leave anybody out?? Oh and all said give aways and similar merchandise are from a smoke free home...which by the way does not mean you can come to her house and smoke for free.

Shaam said...

Ooo! Beautiful mirror! I would love to be entered :) Thank you.

All the best,

Susie Q said...

Such a beautiful and generous giveaway!

I am tickled that you led me back here sweet Glenda. I lost so many of my blog roles in a computer crash...: ( Now that I am back, I am having the best time catching up!


valerie2350 said...

pretty pretty!

and hooray for not getting stuck on a long drawn out case!

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Glenda!

Oh what an adorable mirror!! Wow, I could use that so many places! And I use lavender spray for ironing and so many other refreshers. It's wonderful!

Please enter me and I will advertise it on my blog, although I hate to have all kinds of folks runnin' over her to try to win MY mirror!! LOL

Your cherubs are adorable!

Hug, Sherry

Michele said...

Oh WOW!!! I absolutely LOVE that mirror!! It's gorgeous!!! What a fabulous and very generous giveaway!! Please enter me to win this lovely prize!!

Congrats on no jury duty! I've been called once but was not selected. I sometimes think it would be fun if it was not a long trial and if the chairs were comfortable, LOL!!

By the way, I love your blog background and design. It's very pretty!

Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Glenda.....I have been looking for that spray!!!!

The mirror is wonderful too...please enter me :)

Ginny said...

please enter me in your giveaway. I adore anything lavender and I could use that mirror in my bathroom that I am going to be painting soon.
I hated jury duty. I always feel so stressed when I am called.

Anonymous said...

I've been so inspired by your blog that I'm painting my living room furniture and hope to have a transformed space by mid April, then on to my bedroom! The mirror and spray will compliment it perfectly; please count me in! -- Amy


Faythe said...

I love that mirror & always wanted to try the Lavendar spray..I am really enjoying your blog

Margaret Cloud said...

I am glad no jury duty, lavender water my favorite smell, that mirror is really pretty.

Joyce's Journey said...

A great giveaway Glenda!!! If you pick me, give it to someone else because I already won a giveaway from you and I would feel guilty. I'm weird, I know!!

Never in my life have I been called for jury duty and I would love to go. I find all of that legal stuff so fascinating.

I am impressed that you are just about at 300 posts! How cool is that? I'm a bit over 100 and I never did a giveaway for that due to timing, but my year is in April and I'm going to have a good one.

Your sister is a riot! Is she always so comical? She seems like she would be. Loved her comment!!


Love the giveaway prizes, Glenda. Please add my name to the hat. :o)

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Well, you know I love lavender! And that white mirror is beautiful. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway Glenda!

MimiG said...

Beautiful mirror!!!
I've been "dismissed" as well. Glad too!!


Michele's Treasures, Teacups, and Tumbling Rose Cottage said...

You have a beautiful blog. Thank you for offering such a nice giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful mirror... Please toss my name into the hat for a chance to win!

Will you be making a bird cage garden like Joanne did? I have a cage and she inspired me to think about creating one to hang indoors...

Hope your week is off to a great start...


Glenda/MidSouth said...

I almost missed this. Nice giveaway - Thanks.

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Oh how fun, a giveaway!!!! Thanks for having one!! Please add my name to your list! Love your blog!!! Hugs, Maryjane

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

I am LOVING that little mirror......Oh...............I can only dream of winning!!!!!!!


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