31 December 2008

Happy New Year To All

I wish you all a Happy and Safe New Year. 

Don't Drink and Drive.......... Call a cab, or rent a limo.

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29 December 2008

Visit To A Blogsister

I went off to Pacifica, which is not that far from San Francisco to see Lisa and Alfie from, The Pickled Hutch. 

I also met her mom who was in for a visit. They are both very nice.

Lisa has a very cute shop there where I purchased fireplace tools, something I needed since mine were falling apart. 

I took my friend Nancy with me and then after that we went into Corte Madera to the Shabby Chic store. They are having a big sale on  all their merchandise. I found a armchair there that I am considering buying. I have to think hard about it, because even on sale it's not cheap. 

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26 December 2008

New Years Giveaway !!!!!

Michelle, the creator of my blog design is having a giveaway of her new blog designs. Click on Shabby Creations.

Enter to win ! on her site.

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25 December 2008

The Day Of Birth

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22 December 2008

Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas

I just want to tell all those who visit my blog on a regular and irregular basis a  Merry Christmas. I won't be posting again till after Christmas. 

So have a wonderful and blessed day. 

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20 December 2008

Let There Be Peace

This is what a found at Pier 1 the other day. As I mentioned everything Christmas was on SALE.

There was a wreath there also, that I admired but did not get. So I opted for the PEACE sign with glitter instead. There are so many wonderful things there it's hard to walk away. 

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19 December 2008

New Mantel Pieces

These are an early Christmas present to myself. I have often wondered what took me so long to get mantel lamps. I've always had candles on the mantel and I have seen so many out there with lamps on yours, that I looked for some. I found them at TJ Maxx, they had lampshades on them, but I changed them out with my red ones, they are smaller and look better. 

So there you have it new Mantel Pieces.

P.S.  Ladies, Pier 1 is having an AWESOME sale on all the Christmas things. I'll share with you tomorrow what I got.

We have a wonderful New Blogger in our neighborhood, Glitzy Glass Stars. She makes beautiful glass stars and pendants, visit her for a look see. 

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18 December 2008

If I Were To Choose

I was in Macy's yesterday and went to the Home section to look around. I have never had Christmas Dinnerware, mostly due to the fact I never have Christmas Dinner at my home. 

But if I did, it would be this dinnerware I would choose to have.  Most times you see a Christmas tree or garland on the plates, that's just to expected, so I like going a little different so these would be my choice. 

They also had some beautiful red goblets and glasses that were really pretty. 

So, this would be my choice.

BBBRRRRRRRR it's cold here.................

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16 December 2008

Beware of the Doghouse

Some of you may have seen this video on YouTube. I think this is hilarious and should be view by one and all.

You'll need to turn down my music at the bottom of the blog to hear this.

Enjoy, ladies....

11 December 2008

Christmas Coffee Table

My theme this year is mostly golds and creams. I had somethings and bought others recently. 

The mercury candle sticks at Big Lots along with the gold candles. I had the sparkly snowflakes from last year. 

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10 December 2008

Even Santa Prays

                                                                divider bar


On Christmas Eve
The sleigh was all packed, the reindeer were fed,
But Santa still knelt by the side of his bed.
"Dear Father," he prayed "Be with me tonight.
There's much work to do and my schedule is tight.

I must jump in my sleigh and streak through the sky,
Knowing full well that a reindeer can't fly.

I will visit each household before the first light,
I'll cover the world and all in one night.

With sleighbells a-ringing, I'll land on each roof,
Amid the soft clatter of each little hoof.

To get in the house is the difficult part,
So I'll slide down the chimney of each child's heart.

My sack will hold toys to grant all their wishes.
The supply will be endless like the loaves and the fishes.

I will fill all the stockings and not leave a track.
I'll eat every cookie that is left for my snack.

I can do all these things, Lord, Only Through You!
I just need your blessing, then it's easy to do.

All this to honor the birth of the ONE,
That was sent to redeem us, Your most Holy Son.

So, to all of my friends, least Your glory I rob,
Please Lord, remind them who gave me this job."

by W. Jennings

                                                                divider bar

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08 December 2008

My Ornate Tree

My tree theme this year is gold and cream, with sparkle throw in here and there.

It's a tree I bought many years back, it's 4ft tall and this year I've set it up on a small table. The tree skirt my sister made many years back, it isn't the theme colors, but that's Ok.

I found some glittered deer at Target and just had to have these. 

The tree topper I found down the street yesterday at Goodwill for .99ยข not a thing wrong with it. I needed a new one and she was perfect.

I might tweak it a little more, but the tree is coming along.

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07 December 2008

Knitting, Who Me ??

When I was a young girl my mother taught me how to knit and crochet. I did it for a time, and stopped doing it for one reason or another. Then recently, I decided to try it again. Now I wasn't really all that good, so it was mostly a scarf(s) that was the result of it of my past endeavors. 

So, I went to Joann fabrics and bought needles and yarn and hooks and thread.  

I was trying to remember on my own, how to get started and knew the motions but didn't remember everything. So I went to YouTube and pulled up a great video and it all started coming back to me. Cast on, was something the eluded me, but as I did it I remembered my mother saying now don't do it so tight because you'll need to get the needle under the yard to start the knitting process.
It will take some time to get a rhythm to it again.

For those of you who still knit and have been doing it for years, I commend you.


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05 December 2008

Think Of Others

There are some in this land that just don't have much, and it's not much at all to go to a Thrift Shop and buy at least one or more coats for a Child or Adult. Or look in your closet to see what you or your loved ones don't wear anymore. 

Wash it up and donate it to One Warm Coat.

In this post is the link that provides in your state and place were you can go to do such a thing.

I'll be dropping off some this weekend. 

Have a wonderful and warm weekend.

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04 December 2008

Christmas Past

Do you ever wonder where did I put those things I had last year ?

Well I do, I can't remember were I put these things, and can't find the box I put them in. I am such a numb brain sometimes that I can't stand myself. 

I'll have to load up on brain food.

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02 December 2008

Twin Bed ?

My sister sent this twin bed spread, and since I don't have a twin bed in the house, I am using it for my couch. I've had this couch about 5 years and I am considering a new one, it's losing it's cushion. I have considered putting new cushions in it. I'll look around for a bit.

I go to sign paperwork today on my parents home and then hand the keys over in a few days. It will be bittersweet for sure.

Our childhood home is officially transferred and the keys exchanged. I did my last walk through about 3 PM today and said goodbye and cried. I will miss it, but it's better that it goes to someone that can restore it. It's a load off my mind. It will take a little time to get use to not going over there or being able to turn the key and go in or go on the property, but that's how life is. 

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