17 November 2009

It's A Long Story

I have been missing for awhile in an out. Now less. I am having to use a friends house to use her Internet. Mine was disconnected, hard times. Yes, the economy has reared it ugly head at me. Money tide up, and not available and other things have left me high and dry.

I don't know what's going to happen and when, but I am asking for your prayers in my situation.

I know, I know, I should have done things differently and started looking for a job sooner. I am human.

Be kind in your judgement and pray I get my act together and things will turn around.

Till the next time I can get around to my friends house. I'll see Y'all later.

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Barb said...


I am saying prayers for sure. Hang in there, things WILL turn around.



Hi Glenda,
Praying for you...
Deb :)

Neabear said...

Praying that things will turn around for you. Hope you find a job soon.

Good Luck,


Joanne Kennedy said...

Oh you know you have my prayers. I had no idea things were this bad for you. I just figured you were living on the income from selling your parents house.

It's so hard out there now. Jobs are just not out there. My BIL is going on 6 months without a job.

I know so many people who got laid off due to downsizing.

Hang in there kiddo.


Glenda/MidSouth said...

You have my prayers also. i am sorry you are having to deal with this. The job situation has hit some members of my family also. :(
Check in when you can.

Joyce's Journey said...

Oh Glenda! I'm so sorry!! This really stinks because who wants to deal with this kind of stuff at this point in our life. Things will turn around for you. Look at this as an opportunity to do something you may never have thought of. Try to put on your thinking cap and think of something you could do that would be fun and would bring in some money also. I don't know how it is by you, but around here there is a tremendous need to bring elderly people to the doctor, the grocery store, etc. Many elderly people do not have family near them and really need someone to bring them places and someone would could be a nice companion as well. You never know what lies on the other side of many doors. You are definitely in my prayers. Be open minded to opportunities!!

Sweet Designs said...

Glenda, I am very sorry to hear you are having such a hard time right now, my heart goes out to you. It is very scary times right now. I am praying that you find the job you want and the security you need.

Mary Ruth said...

So many people are going through similar times. We are trying to move and can't because of hiring freezes in DH's company. So, we sit and wait.
When my computer crashed a month or so ago, I went to the library a lot to use the public one, so was a lot of others doing the same.

Hang in there, and remember to take care of yourself!

Edie Marie's Attic said...

My prayers are with you Glenda! Things are so difficult for us too. It's hard to readjust to a different lifestyle.

Blessings & love coming your way,
hugs, Sherry

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