20 October 2008

Store Is Shutting It's Doors

Can you believe it ? After 60 years in business another Department Store is closing it's doors for good. After trying to File Bankruptcy and do their level best to keep a float they called it quits. Instead of having a Christmas Sale, they'll now have a going out of business sale. 

I hated when Montgomery Ward closed their doors. How ever you can still do online shopping with them. 

It's sad to see the old standards going away and never returning.  I shopped both these stores more when I was younger, but as an adult I just never did. How sad. 

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Hi Glenda,
I was trying to join your blogsisters, but it wouldn't let me. It said something about security issues.
The Mervyns here closed a few years ago. I still miss our DAYTON's store :( Guess I'm saving money and I didn't even know it:)
See you later.
Deb :)

Joanne Kennedy said...

Years ago I used to shop at Mervyns but for the past several years I have not even walked in there. My sister just went there this weekend and said it got so run down and junky it was clear to see why they were going out of business.

I don't understand why some shops can not keep up with the times and offer better quality.

No more OPEN OPEN OPEN commercials.


Kim's Treasures said...

How sad...the Mervyn's in our area closed several years ago. It was a great place to shop for my daughter!


Glenda ~ I was disappointed to see the Ann Arbor Mervyn's close down a couple of years ago.

I also remember shopping at Ward's when I was a kid. Me, my mom, and my grandma went to Ward's probably once or twice a month back in the day. :o)

Joyce's Journey said...

We had a Mervyns here in Florida also and it closed several years ago. I always loved that store. It is very sad to see landmarks go. All the politicians are talking about change. Yep, we've seen it and we'll be seeing lots more of it, I'm sure.

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