19 July 2008

Everyone Have a Great Weekend

I am off to pull weeds and mow lawns at my parents home. And to refinish furniture. Have a happy and restful weekend to all.

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Joanne Kennedy said...

Oh that sounds like a lot of work to me. I should be doing that around here. But I won't this weekend.

I really do have to get to work on refinishing my headboard and desk though. I keep putting those off.

I've never done big pieces of furniture. I think I'm going to go by a sprayer. It will go much faster that way and I won't have drip marks or brush strokes showing up.



Hi Glenda,
I was pulling a few weeds today before it got too hot :) How's the painting going, and what are you painting? Come visit me, I'm having a little give away :) Warmly, Deb

Lisa & Alfie said...

Hi Glenda,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Did you read my post from last week? I was weeding and gardening in the Stockton heat at my mom's. Ugh! What more proof do they need that we love them dearly?
Your two little poodles are absolutely darling and we are very lucky to have our little ones aren't we? Please visit again. I know I will be!
Lisa & Alfie

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