10 May 2008

Happy Mothers Day to All

In remembrance of my mother. It's been 5 years since her passing. She was a woman that I remember as a loving mother. She had her moments as we all do. She was a spit fire when she had to be. She taught me that harsh words are never really necessary. Some of the funny things I remember are we were in church years back and we were asking permission to go somewhere with a friend and for some reason she did not like what she was hearing from us and out loud she just said "Oh shit" for everyone to hear, and she said to us, now see what you made me say in church. 

Or when we were in a store and she couldn't get out fast enough to go outside and she jumped the poles keeping the charts inside, it may not be funny to anyone else, but it was funny to us. Because sometimes it was a little out of character for her. But she was always softly firm in her actions and faithful to God. We miss her.This is an old picture of my mother and her mother. My Grandmother was a farm woman in Missouri and a mother of 8 children. My favorite thing I remember was when she wanted to swear. She didn't say damn it or shit. It was  "Ah Swan". Maybe it was her way of saying I swear, but that was her curse word, I never heard her say anything else. She too was a woman that said little, but you knew she meant what she said. I wish I could have talked to her more.



Diana Lyn said...

Hello Glenda a sweet tribute to your Mother! My Mother is my best friend, she is ALWAYS there for me, would go to the ends of the earth for me! She has NEVER judged me and has always stood by me! She is my rock, my mentor, my best friend! Hope your day is special also! Hugs Diana Lyn

Laurie - Decorating Fanatic said...

Hi Glenda,
What a touching tribute to your Mother. Just know she is still with you, in your good & bad times, gently encouraging you and I am sure, very proud of you. I am sure she would be very honored that you posted this about her, remembering her with love. Have a Happy Mother's Day yourself. Take care. ~ Laurie

Donna Lynn said...

Hey there Glenda,
It sure sounds like your mom was fun! My mom is like that too, when she is with me, we spend it laughing...I don't get to see her very much, and your tribute has reminded me to beg her to come out again soon!
Hope you got your cheery yellow kitchen all done, I sure wish I could of helped you! Next time OK?!
Donna Lynn

Joanne Kennedy said...

My mom is no longer with us either. But it is those fun little memories and stories that keep her alive forever in our hearts and minds.

Happy Mother's Day

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