03 April 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Sherry, at Edie Marie's Attic . I am to give a 6 word meme that describes my life's motto. So, here I go.

Family - I love my family, my sister and brother are all I have left of my immediate family. And my son. And for my friends in which I consider my extended family.

Grateful - For each day

Compassion - I want to take away the sadness or pain, and uplift and give hope.

Love - It's what we all have and express in so many different ways, even if it's towards someone we don't know.

Believe - In the thought of a better tomorrow.

God - Without him we would not have any of the above.

So, there I have done my 6. I don't know if I will pass it on. I don't know enough bloggers. 


Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Glenda!
Those are all the things I imagined you to be! You are so special and so sweet. I'm so blessed to know you and share bits of my life with you! Thanks for sharing yourself with us!
Love and hugs, Sherry

Angela said...

I love all of your motto's :-). They are inspiring.
Have a wonderful weekend!!

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