29 March 2008
Around My House
27 March 2008
Small Things I Have Been Working On
After above
Before above
Before above
I purchased this some time ago. And couldn't figure out where to put it or what to do with it. It now has a place in my bathroom. You can tell I haven't decided on the color of tile I want on the bathroom floor. The stool I found at Goodwill for $2.99.
25 March 2008
Pretty Tea !
Did you ever think that tea time would be even more delightful ?

23 March 2008
21 March 2008
Decisions, Decisions.
It's tall and I believe it's meant to go behind a couch.
Some small detail on the table would make a great place for adding either pewter, gold or something I haven't thought of yet.
I found this at the Goodwill yesterday. I wasn't going to get it at first. It was $49.00. But after walking around for a few minutes I decided why not. Now I can't decide what to do with it. My first thought is to paint it white and antique it. It has water damage from the original owner. Once I do decide, I want to put it on my stair landing for additional space in displaying of things.
19 March 2008
High Tea and Welcome Spring !

18 March 2008
How Sweet
I wish I was a little girl again. I would have loved to play with this.
I thought this was a great doll house and any little girl would be lucky to have this. It was in an antique shop in the Sacramento area. I wish I had room for it.
11 March 2008
Neat Little House
I don't know what it's original use is. But I think I'll put flowers in it. It has a door on it so you can put something in it. I saw one on Ebay for $89.00. But I got mine for $25.00. It's Victorian in style with a little porch and lots of large windows. There was a smaller one next to it, but I couldn't pass this one up.
05 March 2008
Thrift Shop Finds
I went to Thrift town yesterday just to see if they had anything. The first thing I saw was the plate. It's from Germany and the gold it 22K. Then I went a little further and saw the cup and saucer. The handle on the cup has been repaired, but it's still nice. I went to look at picture frames and saw this mirror, with white roses. It's craved from wood and it's really heavy. I started to leave to pay and came upon this bird feeder. I brought them all home and cleaned them up. You just never know what you'll find. The lamp needs repair. A new cord and plug. But my father taught me how to repair lamps and I can get old looking wiring on the internet. It's a pretty blue with gold accents and pretty roses. The silver thing I'll shine up and use as a candy dish.
04 March 2008
Purple Pretty
I just can't wait to plant these and watch them grow. I've been busy getting things together for my small flower garden that will be in the front of the house. My backyard needs cleaning up.