26 December 2009

A Shiny New Year

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23 December 2009

Christmas Hope

Hello everyone. I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all those that have stopped by and left comments and those who just love to stop by.

This year started out well for me. Things were good and troubles were few. But as the year progressed things changed. As with some of you, I know you can relate. We have some troubled times.

But in the troubled times, there are ray's of hope. Some of you have sent me emails asking if you can help. It was not my intention to post about my troubles to solicit help, but none the less, some of you felt compelled to do so, and for that I am grateful. Sending a little of something was welcomed.

I will not mention those that did help, as requested, but you know who you are. My hope for you is that you get what you gave, back ten fold.

We all need HOPE in the remainder of the year and for the future, it's what we live on most of the time, hoping that something will change, I am one.

I appreciate all your prayers and emails of encouragement, it means a lot.

So, in closing Happy Holidays, and Peace be with you all.

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16 December 2009

There's Always Another One

Well I didn't get the job I interviewed for. I even went back for a working interview. But was told via email, that the  Dr. had alread filled the position.

I know there's another one out there, I just wish it would come sooner than later.

Thanks again for all the kinds emails, and the prayers. Please continue.

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11 December 2009

I Am Still With The Living

I miss being on the internet, so much that I  get all kinds of thoughts going through my head when I can't get on. Like where can I go, and who's computer or internet can I borrow.

And I mean legally. I have a friend that lets me use hers and I go to the library and can use theirs as well for free, gotta Love the Library.

So, I have been on a few interviews lately and had one working interview. So, it's always a waiting game. When you haven't worked for some time you get rusty.

I've worked in the Dental Field in the Front office  position for over 25+ years and although things haven't changed a great deal, there are some things that have.

I am not one to give up, but sometimes you just get worn out thinking about everything and what to do to get yourself out of hot water.

I have given up a lot. Mainly because I can't afford to pay the bill, so things get turned off. No, TV, or internet. Phone service disconnected, and cell phones being turned off. I have changed my phone number on my resume so many times, I don't remember who I gave the correct number to.

I have good days and bad days, I like the good days better.

I don't know how much longer I'll be in my home, It's the hardest part of it all. I've lived here with my son for over 10 years, and it was the home we have been in the longest. I will try to do what I can, but without a job, it's pretty much out of my hands. The only thing to do is a short sale.

So, there you are not much change, but trying to make change it is not easy.

I still need all your prayers.

And thank you all for your kind words and your offers of prayer.

Till next time.

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03 December 2009

Update On My Situation

Well I thought I'd update those that are interested of my situation.
When last I left you things were not looking to good. That hasn't changed much. I am still looking for employment when I am able to get online, via the library or at a friends home with her laptop.
If I am not able to find work soon, the following will happen. I will lose my home, car, not to mention my sanity.
It's even harder when you have to go through this alone. I am trying to go through programs to help out with the utility bills etc. Not an easy task. It takes money to do this, meaning the car takes money to get these things done. I don't have cash laying around. I go to the food banks, but they only allow you a weeks worth of food every 3 months, tell me how that makes since to anyone. And you have to show ID's of those living in your home, and my sons at school all day everyday, so I can't show his ID, so the give it for only one individual. Sad state isn't it.
Christmas will not be at my house this season. Nor New Years.
The process of losing ones home of over 10 years isn't a happy one. I wake up each morning thinking it's all a bad dream and I am going on with my day, but then reality sets in and puff it's all gone.
What makes it harder in trying to get a job, is that eventually you can't even pay for your phone. Without that, you have no way getting contacted for an interview. That sucks !
So, I am asking those out their in blog-land to keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

Just want thank those that emailed me or left a comment. My access to a computer is extremely limited. A good friend of 30+ years lets me use hers so, I can check in from time to time... 

The employer looking is not getting easier it's getting harder. I've lost my phone service, so anyone I have sent my resume to, has outdated phone numbers, and it's hard to call them from anywhere because I don't have their numbers. Most employers want you to send a resume and not post a phone number on their ads. I am finding it harder and harder to keep my chin up and push on, but I am doing my best. 

My home is now in Foreclosure so, I am having a bit of a nervous breakdown. 

Thank you for all your prayers, I need as much help as possible. I am going through this by myself, so it''s harder. 

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